Response to Coronavirus
Several parishioners have reached out asking what our response to the virus during worship services is for Sunday, March 15, 2020. Grace Church has been proactive for several years when we began the use of hand sanitizer prior to receiving Eucharist, which will continue. On Ash Wednesday we began a practice to not shake hands during the peace. We will be implementing the guidelines set out by Bishop Love as follows:
*Avoid handshakes and hugs, not only during peace but also while welcoming people at the door. When passing peace, turn to your neighbor with a friendly greeting, nod or wave.
*We will practice social distancing by spreading out in church with at least one pew between families.
*Concerning Holy Communion:
- gifts will not be brought up but will be received from the credence table.
- wine will be consecrated and consumed by clergy for the whole congregation.
- wafers will be distributed instead of bread. It will be administered from the bottom of the chancel steps. The wafer will be placed in
the hand. Those wishing to partake are asked to use hand sanitizer prior to receiving.
*Holy water fonts will be emptied.
*Coffee hour will not be held.
Concerning small group studies, please reach out to Mtr. Kathy or Deacon Denise to advise what you would prefer.